McMurray Hatchery Blue Cochin

The Blue Cochin is stately, gentle, and is very rare. These bluish-slate birds with bright red combs are excellent for showing.

The Cochin breed is one of our family favorites. Brought from China by clipper ships in the 1800s, these massive Asiatic chickens are covered with and abundance of soft feathers from head to toe. Cochins are good layers, extremely likely to set, and have an excellent disposition. Cochins are a good choice for families with backyard flocks. 

THE COLOR BLUE: A unique genetic feature of this breed is the constant recurrence in the offspring of not only all blue chicks, but also the black, white, and black-white colors used in the original matings many generations ago to produce these blue birds. All of these chicks carry the blue genes and when mated black on white or with other blues in turn produce many blue offspring. In our breeding flocks, however, only blue males of the finest color are used. Approximately 50% of the baby chicks will be all blue. The other 50% will be black, white, and black/white combinations.