McMurray Hatchery White Polish - APA Certified


The White Polish chicken is one of of the prettiest varieties of poultry, sought after by hobbyists and fanciers. These dainty, snow-white birds have dramatic top crests, long gray legs, and a quiet personality.  

The White Polish is one of five McMurray Hatchery breeds certified by the American Poultry Association. Other certified breeds included in this release are: White Langshan, Buff Plymouth Rock, Partridge Plymouth Rock, and Silver Penciled Rock

The Polish chicken is a European Heritage breed known for their distinctive crests — also called 'top hats' — and their large cavernous nostrils. Their crest of upright head feathers can be attributed to what is called a vaulted skull.

Polish are gentle and docile birds, but their crests limit their vision, causing them to be timid and easily startled. Polish hens are decent white egg layers and rarely broody.