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Bantam Assortments

To help ensure a safe arrival, the minimum number of Bantam chicks for any chick order is 15.

McMurray Hatchery Assorted Cochin Bantams
Assorted Cochin Bantams

A wonderful selection of all Cochin bantams. Our choice of at least 4 different varieties.

McMurray Hatchery Assorted Clean Legged Bantams
Assorted Clean Legged Bantams

McMurray Hatchery's Assorted Clean Legged Bantams is a great way to order a selection of Bantam chicks and start a flock of these minature chickens. 

McMurray Hatchery Assorted Purebred Bantams
Assorted Purebred Bantams
McMurray Hatchery Assorted Feather Footed Bantams jacky illustration
Assorted Feather Footed Bantams

All purebred bantams with feathers on their shanks and toes. Our choice of at least 4 different varieties.

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